Cropping in Dot3D

Cropping in Dot3D

For a video guide on this topic, please click the link here

After you have collected your data, you may want to remove certain areas of your scan. This can be used to exclude unneeded information, or to clean up unwanted points

While viewing your scan, first, click on edit

From here, select the "Cropping" option on the top bar

This will bring up the cropping menu/interface. You will see a box on your screen - that box is used for selecting and deselecting points to crop. It can be resized and moved by dragging around the two green circles on its corners

Once you have the box over an area you wish to remove, press the "Select" button. This will turn all of the points you have selected red

Additionally, if your trying to remove everything except for an area, you can do the same process as above, but instead select the section of the scene you wish to preserve. Afterwards, you can press "Invert" - this will change the selected points to everything that was not originally highlighted

If there is a highlighted area in your scene that you do not want to crop out, you can move the box to cover it, and press "Deselect". this will un-highlight all points within the box. You can select and deselect points as much as needed, until the desired area is completely highlighted

If you wish to simply hide points, but not delete them out of the scene, you can toggle from Crop mode into "Hide mode". Hide mode functions the same as Crop mode, with the points selected for it being highlighted in blue instead of red. Feel free to change modes and select any points you simply want hidden using the same tools as described above. Cropped points will be deleted during saving/exporting, whereas hidden points will not be

When you are finished, press "Edit" again to leave edit mode. When you go to save and export your scan, make sure that only points you want removed are highlighted red

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