Troubleshooting: Intel RealSense D455 Connectivity Issues

Troubleshooting: Intel RealSense D455 Connectivity Issues

Please see below for steps to resolve connectivity issues with your Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455. Please note that items #1 and #2 apply to all RealSense cameras, whereas item #3 relates to specific known issues recognized with D455 cameras.

1. Verify your device (tablet/phone/laptop) and cable both meet all minimum specifications required for use of Dot3D with Intel RealSense.
2. Update your RealSense firmware, update your OS, and review the following link for additional tips:

3. The Depth Camera D455 can be sensitive to the direction in which the USB-C ports are inserted into the camera (and into the tablet/phone on the other end). Please note the following instructions from Intel with regard to this known issue: "Make sure that the usb-c cable is in SuperSpeed mode which means it has to be connected in the right way, best way is to just flip the connectors on both sides of the cable until it works"